TVI Express Scam Or No Scam? {TVI Express } Scam Or … After the Travel Ventures International [TVI Express} website went away and the company and rumored owners Rahul Kaurana and Anita Kuorana could not be found in London UK people really began to wonder. Pile this information on top of a company charging hundreds of dollars for travel certificates others give out for free, and a slick payplan and you have a real mystery here. Speaking of the owners of TVI Express, who are they anyway? Other companies have pictures and bios for their founders and executives posted all over their corporate websites. They are usually happy to share educational information, business experience and even some history of their military service. This is mysteriously missing from the TVI Express website. Here’s where it gets really interesting. Rumors say that the people behind TVI Express are not citizens of the UK. Word has it that they don’t reside in Cyprus or India either. Where do the people behind TVI Express live? Reports say they are residents of California USA. If this is the case, these people have gone a long way to stay under the radar by starting this company in Lonfon UK before taking it on the road to either India or Cyprus. One report says that the owners of TVI Express are Rahul Kaurana and Anita Khurana of Danville California. The report pointed to a website that operates computer camps for children during summer vacation. The story behind TVI Express reads like a mystery that has not been fully solved. Are beople getting paid in money or just vouchers? Are people getting paid at all? Is this all just a big scam? There is speculation that Rahul Kaurana and Anita Kuorana never had a TVI Express office in the London at all. One report says the money has always been collected in Cyprus and funneled to India in the name of TVI Servives LTD (Vision Tech). Either way, TVI Express presents an interesting story with lots of red flags and it looks like many of their so-called leaders in the U S have already moved on …

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